Apontamentos fugazes 145

Bush vs. Kerry

[while waiting for results of the Bush vs Kerry election, when democrats were believed to win]

«”These guys would have devastated the country,” he said, “had they won a second term” We’ve had bad presidents and we’ve survived, but this one’s the bottom. Serious cognitive deficiencies. Dogmatic. A tremendously limited ignoramus about to wreck a very great thing. There’s a description in Macbeth that’s perfect for him. (…) ‘a wayward son,’ Hecate says, ‘spiteful and wrathful.’ George Bush in six words. (…) It’s amazing they pulled it off for even one term. It’s terrifying to think what they would have done with a second term. These are terrible, evil guys. But their arrogance and their lies finally caught up with them.”»

Billie in «Exit ghost», Philip Roth, Vintage, pp. 72

[while waiting for results of the Bush vs Kerry election, when little hope existed for a win by the democrats]

«“Oh, the world is so dim,” Jamie exclaimed with tears in her eyes. “Last time it seemed like a fluke. There was Florida. There was Nader. But this I don’t understand! I can’t believe it! It’s incredible! I’m going to go out and get an abortion. I don’t care if I’m pregnant or not. Get an abortion while you can.”»

Jamie in «Exit ghost», Philip Roth, Vintage, pp. 85

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