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Os assassinos do Boko Haram

Continua a ser tempo de indignação. E é tempo (ainda que tardio) de se fazer alguma coisa. Leiam o relatório da Amnistia Internacional ou esta notícia do Público sobre o que o Boko Haram continua a fazer na Nigéria e interiorizem a violência que está a ser permitida.
Mas não quero deixar de copiar alguns parágrafos do relatório da Amnistia. As palavras são poderosas e podem chocar o suficiente para estimular a indignação e, mais importante ainda, a ação.
«A man in his fifties told Amnesty International what happened in Baga during the attack: “They killed so many people. I saw maybe around 100 killed at that time in Baga. I ran to the bush. As we were running, they were shooting and killing.” He hid in the bush and was later discovered by Boko Haram fighters, who detained him in Doron Baga for four days.
Those who fled describe seeing many more corpses in the bush. “I don’t know how many but there were bodies everywhere we looked,” one woman told Amnesty International.
Another witness described how Boko Haram were shooting indiscriminately killing even small children and a woman who was in labour. “[H]alf of the baby boy is out and she died like this,” he said.»

Devemos ficar indignados. As pessoas sofrem. As pessoas morrem. E é tempo de se fazer alguma coisa.

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